International Yoga Day Celebration

Our School celebrated the International Yoga Day to create awareness on the physical and mental well-being among the students at our school premises onĀ 21st June 2022. Mrs.Brindha Nirmal Kumar, Trained Yoga teacher from Krishnamachari Yoga mandiram was the Chief Guest cum Judge. The Covid-19 protocol was followed during the event.

The Programme was started with an invocation. Our Principal introduced our guest cum judge for Yoga competition, Event of the programme started with Suryanamaskar by the students of class VI to X. Yoga asanas were presented by the children as a group and individual also. Yoga competition were also conducted in two categories, Class VI to VIII and for Class IX & X. Students of Class IX and X shared about the International Yoga Day, Significance and benefits of Yoga. Students from LKG to Class X witnessed the programme.

Chief guest distributed the prizes for Painting, Quiz and Yoga competitions. Also, she appreciated the students and staff for their talent and the teamwork in her address.

As a part of the International Yoga Day Celebration on 30th April 2022 a demosession was conducted by Mr.Kalatheshwaran, Vina Yoga center, Gummidipoondi. Parents also were invited. Around 250 parents and their children witnessed the program.
Also, school level Quiz and Painting competition was conducted in 2 categories Class VI – VIII & IX – X in our school premises on 17th and 18th June 2022.